"Quiet Times with Couples"
Imagine for a moment that your wedding to your partner is taking place
today. If you were to rewrite your wedding vows now, what would you commit
to and promise to do? Before you think of your own answers, consider these
that other couples have written.
* "My commitment to you is to listen to your concerns each day for the
purpose of having the kind of marriage we both want."
* "I realize that our love will change. I will work to maintain a high
level of romance, courtship, and love in our relationship.
* "I pledge myself to confront problems when they arise and not retreat
like a turtle into my shell."
* "I commit myself to you in times of joy and in times of problems. We
will tackle and share our problems together."
* "I promise that I will never be too busy to look at the flowers with
* "I will respect your beliefs and capabilities which are different from
mine and will not attempt to make you into a revised edition of me."
* "I will be open and honest with you, and I desire you to be the same
with me."
* "I will reflect the Word of God in my relationship with you."
Which of these would you select for your marriage? Take a few moments
and write out some new and additional vows. Many couples do this each year
as they celebrate their wedding anniversary. It adds a new dimension to the
commitment of marriage. With all the interference and distractions we
encounter each day, we need lots of reminders to make our marriage a
priority for the glory of God.
"A faithful man shall abound with blessings" (Proverbs 28:20).