25 Aug 2007
About ten minutes to midnight last night, Aug 25, my friend and i were walking back to my car near Serendra. Apparently, Serendra closes the street lights near closing time so the street became dark. As we were walking past the lit area, a motorcycle that was waiting in the shadows moved towards us and snatched my friend's bag. I gave chase but i couldnt catch them on foot. They also seem to have covered the small license plate at the back of their motorcycle. There were two guys on the bike. The guyon the back was the snatcher. The security guard jumped into a taxi and also gave chase but they were too late. I saw the bike turn into C5.
At the police station, we were informed that my friend was the second victim in that area. Same time. Apparently, the thieves know when the lights go off and they start to wait there. Having had a previous incident in that part should have made serendra keep the lights on instead of saving money for electricity.
Funny thing was that the fort bonifacio guards started to block off the exits from the area 10 minutes after the thieves already got away. They just delayed a dozen bikers for no real reason. I really wish they listenedto bayani and had those license plate stickered on the helmets.
A few days ago, my parents' friend, Mrs. Son..., had her bag stolen from where she was sitting in a Bonifacio high street restaurant.
Everyone, please be careful. It seems that the fort's new places are the new hunting grounds for thieves. I would suggest that you steer clear awayfrom them for a while until Serendra fixes their security. I hope that they lose money for scrimping on lights.
Super Perez