Just for today I will pray on my knees
Just for today I will be thankful for all my treasures
Just for today I will lean more into His understanding.
Just for today I will be confidant and share my heart
Just for today I will not be afraid
Just for today I will Love myself unconditionally
just for today I will extend grace to all I know.
Just for today I will be BOLD and Courageous
Just for today I will share my hopes and dreams
Just for today I will listen to others as well...and
just for today I will help others succeed.
Just for today I will accept myself for who I am
Just for today I will work on my gifts...and
Just for today I will extend a hand to a fellow man
Just for today I will know God put me on this earth to Give.
Written July 9 2008 Shelley L Baxter Stanley