Talk about stubborn fat: Last year, American women spent nearly $100 million on creams, lotions, and other topical treatments in hopes of eradicating cellulite from our thighs and butts. We doubt those products worked. That's because, despite its infamy, cellulite is just plain old fat (albeit dressed up in slightly more offensive attire) and a key to minimizing it is to drop pounds, according to a 2006 study published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
But how you drop those pounds matters: Crash dieting can actually make cellulite worse by reducing skin's elasticity, making more of those little puckers noticeable. Gradual weight loss (to better preserve skin's suppleness and reduce fat) accompanied by targeted muscle development, which firms and smoothes underlying tissue, is the most effective cellulite solution, says Glynis Ablon, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at UCLA.
When Wayne Westcott, PhD, co-author of No More Cellulite, tested such a strategy on 115 women, all of them reported a reduction in cellulite appearance at the end of 8 weeks, and ultrasound measurements confirmed a higher proportion of muscle to fat in their thigh areas.
Now, it's your turn. This comprehensive exercise and eating plan — based on Westcott's findings — will burn fat, build muscle, and shed pounds safely. It's not as easy as applying a cream. But it works.
The Workout
This two-pronged exercise program helps minimize the lumpy, bumpy appearance of cellulite. Aerobic exercise like walking and running burns fat, while lower-body moves such as squats and lunges build muscle. To maximize fat loss, you'll do 200 minutes of cardio a week — the amount found to produce the greatest weight loss — including high-intensity exercise to rev your calorie burn for up to 19 hours after a workout. You should see the slimming, smoothing results in a month!
Your Plan At A Glance
Part 1: Burn off cellulite
5 days a week
Blast fat with two types of cardio routines: Intense Workouts (an interval program that builds from fitness walks to calorie-blasting runs) and Moderate Workouts (any aerobic activity you enjoy).
Part 2: Tone, smooth & firm
3 days a week
Tone your muscles by doing six strengthening moves. (Take a day off between these workouts.)
Weeks 1 & 2
Do 1 set of 12 repetitions of each exercise.
Weeks 3 & 4
Repeat the circuit twice so you're doing 2 sets of each exercise.
Weeks 5-8
Repeat the circuit 3 times, so you're doing 3 sets of each exercise. On the third set, instead of holding the move, pulse for 3 counts by lifting and lowering a few inches before returning to start position.
Part 1: Burn Off Cellulite
Intense Workouts: 3 Days a week
Week 1:
Brisk Walk Interval: 2 minute
Run Interval*: 1 minute
Number of Intervals: 10
Total Workout (5 min warm-up, 5 min cool-down included): 40 minutes
Week 2:
Brisk Walk Interval: 1 minute
Run Interval*: 1 minute
Number of Intervals: 15
Total Workout (5 min warm-up, 5 min cool-down included): 40 minutes
Week 3:
Brisk Walk Interval: 1 minute
Run Interval*: 2 minute
Number of Intervals: 10
Total Workout (5 min warm-up, 5 min cool-down included): 40 minutes
Week 4:
Brisk Walk Interval: 1 minute
Run Interval*: 4 minute
Number of Intervals: 7
Total Workout (5 min warm-up, 5 min cool-down included): 45 minutes
Week 5:
Brisk Walk Interval: 1 minute
Run Interval*: 6 minute
Number of Intervals: 5
Total Workout (5 min warm-up, 5 min cool-down included): 45 minutes
Week 6:
Brisk Walk Interval: 1 minute
Run Interval*: 7 minute
Number of Intervals: 4
Total Workout (5 min warm-up, 5 min cool-down included): 42 minutes
Week 7:
Brisk Walk Interval: 1 minute
Run Interval*: 8 minute
Number of Intervals: 4
Total Workout (5 min warm-up, 5 min cool-down included): 46 minutes
Week 8:
Brisk Walk Interval: 1 minute
Run Interval*: 9 minute
Number of Intervals: 3
Total Workout (5 min warm-up, 5 min cool-down included): 40 minutes
Moderate Workouts: 2 days a week
You choose: walking, swimming, or cycling
Week 1: 40 minutes
Week 2: 40 minutes
Week 3: 40 minutes
Week 4: 40 minutes
Week 5: 40 minutes
Week 6: 40 minutes
Week 7: 40 minutes
Week 8: 40 minutes
*If you have joint problems, you can substitute fast walking for running.
Part 2: Tone, Smooth & Firm
1. Squat kickback
Stand with feet together, toes pointing forward, and arms bent at sides. Bend knees and hips into a squat, as if you were sitting in a chair (A), and hold for 3 counts. As you rise, press right leg back and squeeze glutes (B). Hold for 1 count, then lower. Switch legs after each set.
Make It Easier: Don't squat as deeply, and keep toes on floor when pressing back.
2. Curtsy and kick
Stand with feet together, hands on hips. Step right foot behind left leg and bend knees until left thigh is almost parallel to floor (A). Keep left knee over ankle. Hold for 3 counts. As you stand back up, kick right leg out to side before doing another curtsy (B). Switch legs after each set.
Make It Easier: Skip the kick and bring feet together between each curtsy.
3. PliƩ sweep
Stand with feet wide apart, toes pointing out, and hands on hips. Keeping back straight and abs tight, tuck tailbone and bend knees, lowering until thighs are almost parallel to floor (A). Hold for 3 counts. As you stand up, sweep left leg across body, as if you're kicking a soccer ball (B). Switch legs after each set.
Make It Easier: Eliminate the leg sweep.
4. Glute squeeze
Lie on floor with knees bent, feet beneath knees and hip-width apart. Keeping hips level and abs tight, press into heels and squeeze glutes, lifting hips to form a bridge. Lower hips halfway to floor for 2 counts, then press back up. (Instead of pulses on your third set, do a Hip Rock: In bridge position, squeeze left buttocks and lift left hip. Repeat on right side. That's 1 rep.)
Make It Easier: Lower hips to floor between reps.
5. Bun burner
Get on all fours, with hands beneath shoulders, knees beneath hips, and abs tight. Extend right leg behind you so it's in line with back, toes pointed and hips square to floor. Pull knee into chest (A), contracting abs, and extend leg back out 12 times. Next, extend right leg (B) and pulse, lifting and lowering a few inches, 12 times. Then bend right leg so sole of foot faces ceiling (C) and pulse 12 times. That's 1 set. Repeat with left leg. (No need to add additional pulses when you progress to 3 sets.)
Make It Easier: Place your forearms on the floor.
6. Pass through lunges
Stand with feet together, hands on hips. Step right foot forward 2 to 3 feet and bend knees, lowering until right thigh is parallel to floor. Keep right knee over ankle. Hold for 1 count. In one swift movement, press off right foot and bring it behind you. (Left foot doesn't move.) Lower into another lunge so left thigh is parallel to floor, holding for 1 count. Continue passing right foot through into a front then a back lunge without bringing feet together. Switch legs after each set.
Make It Easier: Rather than pushing through from front to back in one swift movement, bring feet together before going into back lunge.
Want to see these moves in motion? Check out Prevention's Fight Cellulite Fast! DVD. ($15;
Provided by Prevention