Tonight the weather was hot and humid. After dinner, Bien invited me to buy a balut(duck egg). So we went outside to go to where the balut vendor is. We did not invited the children because they were busy playing computer games.
Before we came to the balut vendor, we came across a fruit shake stand at the car wash station.
And now Bien is asking me if I want a balut or a fruit shake. I would love to have both, but our money can only accommodate one item. I choose the fruit shake, it's healthier, though. We bought an avocado shake, they make a tasty shake.
After we paid for our shake, we went back home. Not exactly inside the house, But we stayed a little bit longer just outside our gate. Bien got a bench, and we sat on it. There we spend maybe almost thirty minutes, while finishing the shake.
We talk about lots of things like our plans, the kids, ourselves.
It was a nice time spend together.
It was a great bonding time.