Fitness professional Kathy Kaehler created a boot-camp-style workout for Drew Barrymore to help her get red carpet ready. You can find the complete workout in Kathy's new book, Kathy Kaehler's Celebrity Workouts. But we've got a few of her star moves right here. Use them at home, and you'll be fitter, stronger and ready for your close-up!
Crab Walk: You'll need about 20 to 30 feet of floor space for this drill. A long hallway is an ideal place to do it. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, hands on the floor behind you, fingers pointing toward you. Lift your buttocks off the floor, using your hands and feet for support. Crab walk backward as fast as you can, keeping your butt lifted and your belly button pulled in, for 20 counts (1 count equals each time you move a hand). Turn around and return to starting position. Targets shoulders, triceps, buttocks, quadriceps, hamstrings, core muscles.
Kick-the-Tape Kickboxing: Take a piece of masking tape and put it on the wall at about waist level (stand with your side facing the wall). With your left leg slightly bent and your belly button pulled in, exhale as you kick your right leg directly to the side, leading with your right hip. Your right kneecap faces forward and your upper body leans slightly to the left as you kick. Watch your right foot to see how high you kick. Repeat the move, trying to kick your right foot on or above the tape each time. Start by doing 8 kicks with each leg, and gradually work up to 12. Targets inner and outer thighs, core muscles.
Waist Whittler: Holding a light dumbbell in your right hand, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms by your sides, palms facing in. Keeping your chest lifted and belly button pulled in, raise your left hand and put it behind your head. With your back straight, lean to the right, lowering the dumbbell down your right leg as far as you can, until you feel a stretch on the side of your waist. Don't lean forward or back with your torso. (Imagine being stuck between two panes of glass as you do the move.) Lift back up to starting position. Do this 10 times, then switch sides and repeat. Targets abdominals (inner and outer obliques).
Excerpted from Kathy Kaehler's Celebrity Workouts by Kathy Kaehler. Copyright © 2005 by Kathy Kaehler. Excerpted by permission of Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Shape up! - Kathy Kaehler's exercise program - Brief Article
Fitness expert and celeb trainer Kathy Kaehler (Drew Barrymore's a client) has created this intense four-month plan to turn you into a stronger, sleeker, more energetic version of yourself by spring. Start with the December plan-then update each month. It's not easy, but you'll feel like a superstar! the plan 15- to 20-minute workout, 3 days a week get this A mat (or a fluffy towel), an empty wall, some masking tape, and a tennis ball warm up: To get your heart rate really pumping, walk (like you do when you're running really late) around your house (inside or outside, your choice) for 5 minutes (bonus points for climbing stairs). the workout These six moves will work your whole body (you may even be a little sore the first week). To prevent injury, always stretch for a few minutes both before and after you work out.
1 Start by doing 30 single-bounce jumping jacks. Remember the ones you used to do in third-grade gym class (in-out, in-out, in-out)? Like that.
2 Now stand against the wall. Slide down until your knees are in line with your ankles and level with your hips (like you're sitting). Hold for 60 seconds.
3 Slide back up, step away from the wall, and turn sideways. Jump up to stick some tape on the wall 2 feet above your head. Now turn sideways and jump up 20 times to smack it. Repeat on the other side.
4 Now face the wall (standing about 2 feet from it), and place your hands on the wall, shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself--like you're doing a push-up--then press back. Repeat 15 times. Now go back to the jumping jacks and repeat moves 1 through 4.
5 Great job! Now lie down on your mat with bent knees. Put the tennis ball between your knees, place your hands behind your head, and squeeze your knees and butt together. Repeat 25 times slowly (1 and 2 and 3), then 25 times quickly (1 'n' 2 'n' 3 'n'...).
6 Now continue the slow knee squeezes for another 25 reps, but each time you squeeze the tennis ball, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and do a stomach crunch (be sure not to arch your back).
chow, bella!
Nod off in your afternoon classes? To stay energized, eat a fruit or veggie in each of these colors (that's five total) throughout the day: yellow, red, green, orange, and purple.
the plan 25- to 30-minute workout, 3 to 4 days a week get this. Two 5-pound weights (at most sporting goods stores for about$14) and a sturdy chair Warm up Walk quickly around your house for about 5 minutes. The workout Do 1-4 (left), then 7-10 (below). Repeat 1-4, upping your reps from 25 to 30.
7 Grab the weights and sit tall in a chair (arms are by your side). Bend your arms, curl the weights to your shoulders, then slowly lower (this works your biceps). Repeat 15 times.
8 On the last rep of biceps curls, stop at your shoulders, face your palms forward, and push straight up. Bring the weights back to your shoulders and push up again (this works your shoulders). Repeat 15 times.
9 Put a pillow in your lap and lay your chest on it. Lift your arms into a T, then lower (this works your back). Repeat the arm moves 15 times.
10 Say bent over, pull your arms in next to your ribs, and bend your elbows. Extend your arms back (see above). Bend and extend (this works your triceps). Repeat 15 times.
Chow, bella! Sweet tooth screaming to be satisfied? Eat 100 sugary calories (a third of a chocolate bar)fora fix that's not too high in calories.
11 Lie down on your back on the mat and slide your hands under your hips. Pull your knees into your chest until your hips rise off your hands. Slowly lower your feet to the floor. Repeat 20 times.
the plan 45-to 60-minute workout, 4 to 5 days a week get this. A mat or a fluffy towel Warm up Walk quickly around your house for 5 minutes. the workout Replace move 1 with one of these: Walk 3 miles in under 45 minutes or ride a bike for 30 minutes. Then do moves 2-4, 7-10 (left), repeat both groups, and add 11-14 (below) to the end.
12 Place your hands behind your head. Extend your legs straight up (your toes are pointed at the ceiling) and crunch up until your shoulder blades come all the way off the ground. Slowly lower. Crunch 20 times.
13 Put your feet back down on the floor (hands behind your head, knees bent). Now exhale and crunch all the way to your knees (get a partner to help you hold down your feet--or slide them under a couch). Slowly inhale and lower. Repeat 20 times.
14 Place your left foot on your right knee, then crunch, twist, and try to touch your right elbow to your left knee--lower. Do this 20 times, then repeat on the other side.
Chow, bella!
Addicted to caffeine? Drink a glass of water for every cup of coffee or soda you consume. Too much caffeine will make your energy levels see-saw.
15 Tie the rope around your waist and fast-walk for 3 miles After each mile (about every 15 minutes), jump rope 200 times.
the plan 60- to 70-minute workout, 5 days a week (you can do it!) saget this A jump rope, a sturdy chair, and a mat (or a fluffy towel) warm up Walk quickly around your house for 5 minutes. the workout Do 15--18 (below), then 11--14(left), upping the reps from 20 to 30. Forget 1--10. From April on, use 1--18 to make new 60-minute plans, 3--5 days a week.
16 Now go sit on the chair with your hands next to your butt, fingers forward. Slide your butt off the chair and lower it until your elbows are level with your shoulders Come back up. Repeat 20 times.
17 Lie on a mat in front of the chair, put your heels on the seat, and lift your hips off the floor. Now squeeze your butt as tight as possible. Lower down. Repeat 25 times.
18 Getup, turn to face the chair, step up with one foot, then bring the second foot up beside it. Do 25--repeat on the other leg.
Chow, bella!
Can't wait another hour until dinner? Spread peanut butter on half of a small bagel (protein plus carbs is tilling and nutritious).
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